Santa Clara Shiraz Red Wine 750ml
Ferrero Rocher T24
Hai-O Bird Nest 70ml x 6 units
Wild Ginseng Gift Box
Braised Abalone in Brown Sauce 425g
Clear Soup Abalone 425g
Davidoff Coffee
Red Dates 150g
Mushroom 80g
Ahmad Tea 25 sachets
Ginseng Candies 150g
Snow Fungus Gift Box
Nestle Kit Kat Chocolate
Reusable Gift Basket
Adorned with Chinese New Year Décor
CNY Printed Card
Delivery Fine Print:
Santa Clara Shiraz Red Wine 750ml
Ferrero Rocher T24
Hai-O Bird Nest 70ml x 6 units
Wild Ginseng Gift Box
Braised Abalone in Brown Sauce 425g
Clear Soup Abalone 425g
Davidoff Coffee
Red Dates 150g
Mushroom 80g
Ahmad Tea 25 sachets
Ginseng Candies 150g
Snow Fungus Gift Box
Nestle Kit Kat Chocolate
Reusable Gift Basket
Adorned with Chinese New Year Décor
CNY Printed Card
Santa Clara Shiraz Red Wine 750ml
Santa Clara Shiraz Red Wine 750ml
Ferrero Rocher T24
Ferrero Rocher T24
Hai-O Bird Nest 70ml x 6 units
Hai-O Bird Nest 70ml x 6 units
Wild Ginseng Gift Box
Wild Ginseng Gift Box
Braised Abalone in Brown Sauce 425g
Braised Abalone in Brown Sauce 425g
Clear Soup Abalone 425g
Clear Soup Abalone 425g
Davidoff Coffee
Davidoff Coffee
Red Dates 150g
Red Dates 150g
Mushroom 80g
Mushroom 80g
Ahmad Tea 25 sachets
Ahmad Tea 25 sachets
Ginseng Candies 150g
Ginseng Candies 150g
Snow Fungus Gift Box
Snow Fungus Gift Box
Nestle Kit Kat Chocolate
Nestle Kit Kat Chocolate
Reusable Gift Basket
Reusable Gift Basket
Adorned with Chinese New Year Décor
Adorned with Chinese New Year Décor
CNY Printed Card
CNY Printed Card
West Malaysia Delivery only.
West Malaysia Delivery only.
Delivery takes 3-5 working days using a courier service to West Malaysia.
Delivery takes 3-5 working days using a courier service to West Malaysia.
Item is shipped via express courier service. Strictly no specific date can be chosen.
Item is shipped via express courier service. Strictly no specific date can be chosen.
Same day delivery available within Klang Valley. Delivery time frame 10am – 5pm.
The self-pickup area is at Setia Alam.
The self-pickup area is at Setia Alam.
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